Sometimes metaphor captures the imagination in ways that facts cannot.

Dark Forest

You have been walking through a dark forest and have lost the path. Sometimes you find the path for a bit but you keep losing it. You find yourself tripping over branches and walking into thorns. Therapy is like having someone with a lantern join your search for the path. The journey is a bit easier because you have light and you are not alone. While you may not have a map you can see the path more clearly.

Unseen Wound

You notice something on your face, but without a mirror, you have no idea what it is. Other people have told you what they’ve seen, and you can even feel it with your hands, but you still can’t see it yourself. Maybe it’s a wound, bruise, scar, or scab. Therapy is like being handed a mirror. It may be shocking to see this thing on your face but you are able to heal through a combination of acceptance and change.

Rocks in a Backpack

You have been exhausted and seemingly simple things take more effort, yet you have no idea why. Therapy is like someone who comes along and helps you see that there is a backpack full of rocks on your back. Despite your best efforts you can’t seem to take the rocks out by yourself. We work together to lift the rocks, one by one, out of your backpack. Each day you feel less and less fatigued.